— Find + Fix Website Issues

SEO Audits

SEO audits take a deep dive into your website’s individual urls and tech specs to uncover issues and provide recommendations for fixes. Because these technical factors can have huge implications for the rankability of your site’s pages, an audit strengthens a website’s competitive edge in organic search while ensuring it’s as user-friendly as possible for your online audience.

SEO audit tool Screaming Frog open

Discover + Fix Hidden Errors That Harm SEO Performance

As business owners or publishers, we want to make it easy for our website’s content to rank in search engines. Google, Bing, and other engines use site crawlers, also known as bots, to analyze pages of a website and determine 1) what each page is about and 2) what keywords it should rank for. But unaddressed errors on a website can make ranking in result pages difficult, even impossible to do. 

Ensuring that your site operates effectively for search engine crawlers as well as real-life humans is critical in SEO. To Google’s bot crawlers, the usability and reliability of your website plays a major role in determining how it’ll rank in search engine result pages. Plus, users who encounter broken pages, slowed page loads, redirect loops, and other issues will have an unsatisfactory website experience and are likely to bounce off to find a more user-friendly domain. 


What’s Included in a SEO Audit

The SEO audits I perform go beyond simply listing every url that contains an error to fix. I also include my personalized recommendations for how precisely to fix each issue (up to a number of affected urls). In many cases, you can simply copy and paste my fixes directly into your website if you so choose. 

Each audit includes:

Status code errors (broken pages, internal redirects, inaccessible pages, etc.)

Indexation issues (pages incorrectly marked noindex or canonicalized)

Heading code errors (missing H1’s, duplicate heading codes, etc.)

Metadata issues (meta descriptions that are too long, missing meta titles, etc.)

Image optimization (broken images, oversized images, missing alt text, etc.)

Structured data (adding LocalBusiness schema, auditing other structured data, etc.)

Monthly SEO Packages

These technical SEO audits may be requested a la carte as one-time projects, but truly the best way to utilize SEO for your business or nonprofit is through investing in work that is performed on a consistent, monthly basis. It is highly recommended to instead opt for a monthly SEO package, which still includes a technical audit of your site, as well as a wider breadth of SEO work that produces far stronger, longer-term results for your organization.

Localization Package

For smaller, typically service-based businesses looking to attract more customers in their local market.

Local keyword research

Technical SEO audit & on-site implementation

Monthly on-page optimization

Individualized monthly SEO strategies

Google Search Console & GA4 account creation

Monthly reporting



Growth Package

*Recommended – includes content writing and competitor research. For small and medium-sized businesses looking to expand in their region, including secondary markets.

Local & national keyword research

Technical SEO audit & on-site implementation

Monthly on-page optimization

Individualized monthly SEO strategies

Google Search Console & GA4 account creation

Monthly reporting

Competitor research

One new content piece each month



Dynamic Package

For medium to large-sized businesses to aggressively pursue SEO services and expand reach in target markets or nationally. Generally reserved for websites with 100+ pages.

Local & national keyword research

Technical SEO audit & on-site implementation

Monthly on-page optimization

Individualized monthly SEO strategies

Google Search Console & GA4 account creation

Monthly reporting

Competitor research

Two new content pieces each month




About Shari Rose

These audits may just be my favorite service to perform. Being able to take a peek at a site inside and out to figure how to help it rank better through technical fixes makes me feel a bit like a SEO detective. Throughout my SEO career, I’ve audited well over 1,000 websites. I truly know what to look for in these audits and how to achieve the biggest organic impacts for websites. 

SEO services by consultant Shari Rose
SEO case study results for organic traffic

— Real SEO Results

SEO Case Studies

Don’t just take my word for it, check out SEO case studies from current and past clients who come from a wide range of industries, business sizes, and local markets. These case studies dive into the unique issues their websites dealt with, the strategies I used to turn their metrics around, and the actual SEO results they gained in both traffic and keyword rankings.


Contact Shari

Looking for a personalized SEO audit of your website? Get in touch today and we’ll get started on a new project.

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